02/07/2024 0 Comments
Masking Optional
Masking Optional
# News
Masking Optional
This coming Sunday we will not make masking required, but strongly encouraged for indoor worship at St. Columba's. Clergy will continue to test regularly before worship and we ask that as we work to care for each other through the next phase of the COViD 19 pandemic each person take responsibility for their own health and the impact that individual choices can have on collective heath.
We encourage individuals who think they may have been exposed to COVID to mask, test, and stay home if you are symptomatic (regardless of test outcome). We will continue to have masks available for anyone who arrives without one and decides they'd like to be masked.
We are just trying this out, and as data shifts this plan may also shift. If at any point Washington State or King County return to an indoor mask mandate, we will comply.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Alissa: vicar@stcolumbakent.org