02/07/2024 0 Comments
Getting Better at Fear: The Challenge of Hospitality Nov. 6th & 20th at 10am
Getting Better at Fear: The Challenge of Hospitality Nov. 6th & 20th at 10am
Getting Better at Fear: The Challenge of Hospitality Nov. 6th & 20th at 10am
# Adult Formation
Published on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 6:45 PM

Getting Better at Fear: The Challenge of Hospitality Nov. 6th & 20th at 10am
On November 6th and 20th join us at 10am to continue our discussion around getting better at fear. You are invited to read the book Stranger God by Richard Beck, but do not need to read it to participate in the conversation.
Beck is a professor of psychology at a Christian University and understands and sees faith and scripture through a psychological perspective. We will be looking at how scripture challenges us to be hospitable and why that can be hard. Stranger God is a helpful companion to our continued work on getting better at fear and will spring off of the work we did in July with Vibh (Ph.D).