From the Associate Vicar: Embodied Worship

From the Associate Vicar: Embodied Worship

From the Associate Vicar: Embodied Worship

# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Embodied Worship

Dear One’s of St. C’s, 

This Lent at St. C’s we would like once again put a special focus on embodiment in worship. Worship is about being present with God in mind, body, and spirit.  Episcopalians make a point to actively involve our bodies in worship.  This is why we sit down, stand up, cross ourselves, kneel, bow, place our hands in the orans position, and walk towards the altar for communion.  This how we invite our bodies into worship. 

During Lent we want to heighten this awareness as we remember that God came to us in a body through the incarnation of Jesus.  Jesus came to us in a body and gave up his body for the world.  We know in scripture that Jesus was birthed by Mary, that Jesus cried, was thirsty, tired, and sought out silence.  I wonder what else Jesus needed to take care of his body?  I wonder what you need to nurture your body this Lent?

Come join us each week as we focus on a different aspect of worship that we do with our bodies and why.  We will encourage you to stretch yourself (literally and figuratively) this Lent to wonder how else you could bring your body into worship.  This will include a meditation during the service and a time after Eucharist each Sunday where people will have different opportunities to pray in our worship space. 

Our bodies hold a lot on our behalf and they need to be tended to as well.  We hope that in worship you feel as though all of you can fully participate and connect with God, that through our gestures and actions we would find healing, comfort, and acceptance.  

with care, 


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