02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate Vicar: Our Memorial Garden
From the Associate Vicar: Our Memorial Garden
# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Our Memorial Garden
Dear One's of St. C's,
There is a story of legend here at St. Columba’s, that those who have been here a long time probably know well. If you don’t know the story find someone who has been around for awhile, they know it better than me. For me, it is already folklore. The legend has it that before we had a Memorial Garden, families, or at least one family, chose to bury someone’s ashes on this property, without permission from the vicar or the city. I can not confirm or deny if this story is mere folklore or completely factual, but this story did spring up a desire and a dream to create not only a proper, set a part place to bury our dead, but that it would be a beautiful, spirit-filled place, where the community would gather, not only to mourn, but also to share communal life together. A place where we could remember and be surrounded by our beloved dead who’s works of love and service continue to live on in our hearts and in our community.
The building of the Memorial Garden has been a long and twisted journey, but we finally achieved what we set out to achieve. While it is not 100% completed, it is ready for the interment of the ashes of our beloved dead. We will eventually have a sign that tells you who is buried where. We are making plans of planting in the other garden beds that surround the interment beds. We are gathering a team of volunteer weeders. We as a community will work to maintain it and keep it the beautiful set a part place that we have longed for. I suppose a Memorial Garden is never really complete anyway, weeds will spring up, food will need to be planted and picked, as a community we will continue to welcome new life and together mourn the loss of those who go before us to be with God. May this Memorial Garden bless our community as we remember the saints that surround us, inspire us, and continue to teach us how to love and take care of one another.
With Care,