02/07/2024 0 Comments
Sept. 24th @1230pm - Godly Play - What is it? How do I become a Story Teller?
Sept. 24th @1230pm - Godly Play - What is it? How do I become a Story Teller?
Sept. 24th @1230pm - Godly Play - What is it? How do I become a Story Teller?
# Children, Youth, & Families Programming Descriptions Web
Published on Friday, September 15, 2023 12:41 PM

Sept. 24th @1230pm - Godly Play - What is it? How do I become a Story Teller?
On Sept. 24th @ 12:30pm Whitney Devine will teach us about Godly Play, our programming for our younger kids. If you are interested in learning more about what it is or becoming a Godly Play story teller come join us after the 11am service on Sept. 24th.
We are looking to add one or two more story tellers to our monthly rotation.
We will have simple sandwich fixings available, snacks from coffee, or feel free to bring a bag lunch.