Feb. 18th Soup Off Fundraisor @12:30pm - Raise Money for One Parish One Prisoner & Provide Soup for Community Meal, The Cox's, & Soup Suppers in Lent

Feb. 18th Soup Off Fundraisor @12:30pm - Raise Money for One Parish One Prisoner & Provide Soup for Community Meal, The Cox's, & Soup Suppers in Lent

Feb. 18th Soup Off Fundraisor @12:30pm - Raise Money for One Parish One Prisoner & Provide Soup for Community Meal, The Cox's, & Soup Suppers in Lent

# News

Feb. 18th Soup Off Fundraisor @12:30pm - Raise Money for One Parish One Prisoner & Provide Soup for Community Meal, The Cox's, & Soup Suppers in Lent

Feb. 18th Soup Off @12:30pm 

This will have similar structure as our bake off in the fall.  Bring a soup for all to try and see if you can win best in show.  People will vote with money.  There are two adult winners - the one who raises the most money and for the one who earns the most votes.  All kid entries will win some kind of award. The money raised will go towards our friend who is in prison and we are supporting through One Parish One Prisoner.  The soup will then be frozen and used during our soup suppers in Lent and given to Vibh and Adam's family.

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912       admin@stcolumbakent.org
