From the One Parish/One Prisoner Group: Update on Jermaine & Fundraiser on Feb. 18th

From the One Parish/One Prisoner Group: Update on Jermaine & Fundraiser on Feb. 18th

From the One Parish/One Prisoner Group: Update on Jermaine & Fundraiser on Feb. 18th

# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the One Parish/One Prisoner Group: Update on Jermaine & Fundraiser on Feb. 18th

Dear One's of St. C's, 

The One Prisoner/One Parish ministry was organized with eight Parishioners and Our Vicar Meghan, and began meeting in May 2023. We have been assigned a someone who is in prison named Jermaine.  We are committed to monthly meetings. The underground ministry provides monthly training modules. The group began writing letters to Jermaine in the hope that we will each form a relationship with him. We are open to The Holy Spirit as it moves and forms each connection.  

There is a great deal of learning happening as we move towards his release date. We will be asking support from the Parish as our plans begin to take shape. His chance for a positive experience in the community is greatly increased with 9 people supporting him.  We have progressed to the point that several in-person visits have happened.  Also a zoom visit with our group, phone calls with several members as well are doing frequent messaging contacts. 

Our group is trying to  help him coordinate many needs as he re-enters society, eg, housing, job, drivers license, health insurance  and the huge job of adjustment.  We will be asking for a lot of prayer support as well as many tangible items from the St Columba community in 2024.  

-Kaylene Mooon

Group Members: Pam Gibbons, Carmen Olfert, Kaylene Moon, Meghan Mullarkey, Linda Hagen, Amanda Chandler, Pam Gibbons, Rod Blalock, and Steve Olfert.

Fundraiser for Jermaine on Sunday, Feb. 18th at 12:30pm

Bring a soup of your own and vote for other soups with money as we raise money for Jermaine!  This soup will also be used for our soup suppers throughout Lent and will go to the Cox's as their little one is still in the NICU. 

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
