02/07/2024 0 Comments
Holy Week Schedule & Explanation
Holy Week Schedule & Explanation
# News

Holy Week Schedule & Explanation
Palm Sunday, March 24th 9am & 11am: We begin Holy Week by celebrating Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, come join the Palm Sunday procession as we all shout Hosanna! The savior of the world has arrived, not on a war horse, but on a colt, praise God.
Maundy Thursday, March 28th, 6:30pm: Join us as we begin The Triduum - one liturgy that takes place over three days. This liturgy begins with Maundy Thursday, where we remember Jesus at the last supper with his friends and keep his commandment to love one another. Feet washing, Communion and the stripping of the altar are all part of this first service of the Triduum. All present will be invited to participate as they feel comfortable. We end the service by stripping the church of any ornamentation as we begin to prepare for Christ's arrest, condemnation, and walk towards the cross.
Good Friday, March 29th, 6:30pm: A simple Good Friday service, where we contemplate the death of Jesus and venerate the cross, the second part of the Triduum.
The Great Vigil of Easter, March 30th 8:30pm: The oldest annual liturgy in the church calendar, the Easter Vigil is celebrated in four parts: light, word, baptism, and communion. These four parts correspond to the four elements: fire, air, water, and earth, and so the Vigil becomes an icon of the cosmos itself. Come celebrate the renewal of all things through this most ancient celebration of our faith.
The First Sunday of Easter, March 31 9am & 11am: Come celebrate the risen Christ!! There will be an Easter egg hunt following the 11am service.