02/07/2024 0 Comments
Joining our Community
Joining our Community
# Newcomers

Joining our Community
There is more than one way to belong to St. Columba's!
You may choose to simply hang out with us for a short or long time, without feeling the need to formalize your relationship with this congregation or the Episcopal Church. We welcome you to belong in this way!
After a time with us, you may discern a call or desire to more formally join this congregation, or to learn more about being a Christ-follower in the Episcopal Church. If you are new to Christianity, this may mean preparing to be baptized, or preparing to have your child baptized. If you are coming to us from the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Lutheran traditions, than you may choose to be formally received into the Episcopal Church. If you are from another Christian tradition and have been baptized but not confirmed, you may want to pursue formal confirmation in our church. We provide regular opportunities to explore these ways of joining and belonging!
Regardless of your religious background, we are committed to providing an open environment for learning about who we are and what we do. We honor your discernment process in terms of your relationship with St. Columba's, and the Episcopal Church.
If you have been with us awhile, and are ready to make a formal committment to our community, consider allowing us to welcome you during a Sunday morning service. Just let our Vicar know, and she will talk you through this simple, no pressure, formal welcome to the community.