02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Vicar for May 3: Let the Little Children Lead
From the Vicar for May 3: Let the Little Children Lead
# Newsletter Only
From the Vicar for May 3: Let the Little Children Lead
Dear ones of St. Columba's,
A couple of Sundays ago we celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday with a 10am service that started with the question: how will our children experience this worship, and sought to use the answers to that question to craft a worship experience that remained meaningful to everyone, but was especially interested in the perspective of our kids. As to whether or not we were successful, well, you tell me! (Seriously, I'd love to hear how it went for you!) Here is what I noticed: the children present were engaged, participatory, and still very much themselves. The service seemed, to me, to fit in well with how we hold the presence of children in our midst at St. C's.
Our children make up almost a quarter of our membership and average attendance on Sunday mornings, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that our children's ministry programs are one of the main sources of light and life for us as a community. So this week I wanted to reflect on some of the ways our children are leading us into life, community, and relationship with Jesus, as a community of faith.
- Our kids know how to welcome each other. A couple of months ago as we were saying the opening collect at 10am, I observed something remarkable. There was a new family in church, with a couple of kids. One of our longtime members, who is 8 year old, saw these new kid-faces, and walked across the church to invite the new kids to come to the kids' carpet, and then to Godly Play. I have seen this more than once, where our community of children invite newcomers right in.
- Our kids know how to be community with each other. I have a wonderful view of the kids' carpet every Sunday morning. So I get to see how they care for each other, share toys and pillows, and I also get to give them the Eucharist, which many of them come up to receive together. They are, at least for me, an icon of our community, showing us both what we can be as Christians who care, and share, and join together for food and drink.
- Our kids own this church. It must have been over a year ago, when one of our members who was maybe 3 at the time came barreling into church with his father, just before I rang the processional bell. As he ran, this little guy proclaimed, at the top of his lungs "This is MY CHURCH!!" I remember thinking, oh little one, how right you are! We work hard together to find ways for our children to feel at home in church, and they do. Other kids feel it when they visit, too, that this is a place where children belong, and where they matter.
I am so grateful for the youngest members of our congregation. They show us both how to be, and who we really are together. Because the joys and revelations that come to us through our children are also information about us - it is adults and children together who make this community what we are: a place where people of all ages can thrive.
Thank you, for loving our kids, and caring for each other.
with care and gratitude,