02/07/2024 0 Comments
Rota posted in Entryway
Rota posted in Entryway
Rota posted in Entryway
# Newsletter Only
Published on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 8:00 AM
Rota posted in Entryway
We are changing how we publicize the Sunday rotas on Sundays. Instead of looking on the back of the bulletin to see who is serving, you will be able to find Rota information posted in the entryway. More and more of us are using Churchdesk to track our participation in Sunday morning ministries, but for those who want a hardcopy way of seeing who is "on" each Sunday, check the posting in the entryway.
This will enable us to make more room in the bulletin for liturgical content, and allow for the last minute changes that are now possible to make through Churchdesk.