02/07/2024 0 Comments
From The Vicar: Going Slow
From The Vicar: Going Slow
# News

From The Vicar: Going Slow
Dear Ones of St. Columba's,
It will not come as a surprise to many of you that I do not like to move slowly. I've always been someone who likes to move fast, to get things done quickly. When I first came to St. Columba's the most common piece of sermon at feedback for me with this: please, just speak a little more slowly. So maybe you can imagine how frustrating it is for me to be forced to slow down. I simply cannot do all the things I usually do at the speed I usually do them, with my hand in a cast. So I am learning to embrace this new season of going just a little more slowly. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I am gaining new insights into what it is like for people who can't type, or use both their hands, or experience some other sort of physical impediment. And, I have been thinking about the advantages of taking life a little bit more slowly. There's a lot to notice and a lot to see that can get missed when we are in a rush, when we are focused on getting things done.
So here is what I have learned so far from being forced to slow down. First, nothing has fallen completely apart. It turns out, the world keeps turning even when I'm taking out of commission for a little bit. Second, I have learned again what a wonderful thing it is to be loved by community of people. So many of you have stepped up to help us get the things done that we needed to get done, and to make sure that my family and I have everything we need even though my arm is out of commission. Thank you. Finally, I'm learning that when I slow down I see new things. This makes me wonder how we might all take time to slow down every now and again just to notice those things that we do not see when we're moving at the speed of life.
This cast comes off in just a couple of weeks and I will not be sorry to see it go. Between now and then I I'm hoping to notice parts of our world and our life that I might not see normally. And my hope for you is that, if you have a chance to slow down, you take it. Don't wait for a car accident or an injury to force you. Summer is coming to an end, and we will all feel the pressure to pick up the pace, to move quickly, to get back into the swing of things. Even now, there's value to be found in slowing down, and looking for what our God has to teach us in the quiet slow moments of our lives.
With gratitude and hope,