02/07/2024 0 Comments
Our Advent Chrismon Tree Tradition
Our Advent Chrismon Tree Tradition
# News

Our Advent Chrismon Tree Tradition
Advent is here, and so is our Chrismon tree! This is *not* a Christmas tree, but a different tradition entirely. A Chrismon tree is identifiable by the white and gold, handmade, Christian symbols that adorn it. As we admire these beautiful symbols, made by members of St. Columba’s congregation over the past several years, we remember the story of who and Whose we are. Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on this story of ours – God incarnate. As you stop to appreciate the beauty of the symbols on our tree, ponder what each part of the story means to you and your life.
If you would like to know the meanings of the symbols, there are information sheets on a table beside the tree, as well as instructions for making your own Chrismons at home. Feel free to take them. Everyone is invited to add to our beautiful Chrismons as we journey through Advent together.