02/07/2024 0 Comments
Welcome to our New Associate Vicar: The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey
Welcome to our New Associate Vicar: The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey
# News

Welcome to our New Associate Vicar: The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey
St. Columba's is pleased to announce that we will be adding to our staff, and are welcoming The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey as our new Associate Vicar. Meghan will join us mid-January, and is coming from a curacy position at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Tacoma. Meghan did her transitional diaconate at St. Columba's in 2017, and we are thrilled to be welcoming her back as Associate Vicar, coming in at half time to expand clergy time and to work on community building and other areas of the life of St. Columba's alongside our Vicar, Alissa. Read on for more information about Meghan.
Meghan Mullarkey grew up in Alexandria, Virginia. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Human Services in 2006 and received a Master's of Divinity from The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology in 2012. She has worked as a lay minister at Church of the Apostles, St. Margaret's and Emmanuel. She is just finishing her time at St. Andrew's, Tacoma as a curate/assisting priest.
Meghan met her husband, Luke, in graduate school where he was pursing his Master's in Counseling. They were married in 2013 and moved from Seattle to Tacoma in 2016. They have a daughter, Cascade, who is almost two and a little boy on the way that is due in mid-April. Meghan loves exploring the Pacific Northwest; going on long walks with Luke, Cascade, and their dog (Scout); and participating in the intersection of listening and God’s healing work in the world.