02/07/2024 0 Comments
Summer Camp Options for Youth!
Summer Camp Options for Youth!
# Youth Events Web

Summer Camp Options for Youth!
Registration is now open for some great Episcopal Summer Camps and Opportunities! Be sure to register early to secure your spot and get financial aid in place!
First up is the Cathderal's Choir School Summer Camp, open to children and youth going into 3rd-8th grade in Fall of 2019. Choir Camp is July 15th thru 19th & July 21st. This is an excellent opportunity for musically-inclined youth to be steeped in the gorgeous hymns of our tradition while building close bonds with other children and youth from St. Columba's. Click the link above to register!
Diocesan High School Summer Camp: Six Day, will be at Camp Huston in Goldbar, WA, from July 14th to July 20th. Six Day is open to youth entering 10th, 11th, and 12th grades in the Fall of 2019, and 2019 High School Graduates. Click here to learn more about High School Summer Camp and other Diocesan Youth Events!
Missoula Children’s Theatre will be at Camp Huston July 14th-19th, casting children entering 1st-10th grade in a Play! Each child will get a role on the first day of camp, and will spend the week rehearsing for their big performance at camp on July 19th! Look for the Camp Huston Brochure in the Narthex in the months ahead. Click here to register for sleep-away camp at Camp Huston!
Camp Huston's International Discovery Camp will be August 11th thru 17th for children & youth entering 3rd-10th grade. The amazing thing about this week at Camp Huston is that Camp Huston will be hosting 16 Japanese Exchange Students! This is always one of the funnest weeks at camp, giving campers an opportunity to experience each-other's cultures and interact with international students!