02/07/2024 0 Comments
Match 24th Adult Forum 9am: A Closer Look at the Poor People's Campaign
Match 24th Adult Forum 9am: A Closer Look at the Poor People's Campaign
Match 24th Adult Forum 9am: A Closer Look at the Poor People's Campaign
# Adult Formation
Published on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:30 AM

© https://twitter.com/unitethepoor
Match 24th Adult Forum 9am: A Closer Look at the Poor People's Campaign
The Poor People’s Campaign: What is it and what does it have to say to our nation, to our church, and to our selves about how we see and understand poverty?
For our last class, we will discuss how the Poor People's Campaign can impact how we see and understand those experiencing poverty. We will delve deeper into what scripture has to say about the poor and how as individuals and as a faith community we are called to respond. This would be a great discussion for those who work with the Food Bank, the Outreach Shelter, and the Just Garden and for those who are interested in volunteering in the future.