02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Vicar: Practice makes Faith
From the Vicar: Practice makes Faith
# News

From the Vicar: Practice makes Faith
Dear Ones of St. Columba's,
I hope you are getting back into routines, and finding your way in a once again snow-free life. If your family is like mine, this has meant a return to the practices of our lives, many of which fell by the wayside in favor of snow days and mid-winter break. This has me thinking about practices - and how many of them we hold without really thinking about it. And, how easy it is to get out of practice.
One of my girls brought this up, in relationship to her weekly dance class, which hasn't happened for three weeks due to vacation and snow. "I'm not sure I will even remember how to do it, Mama." She said. And yet, as we debriefed after class it turned out she did remember, and even enjoyed the return to activity after so many weeks without it.
I experiences lots of the practices of life in this way - from my personal exercise and self-care practices, to the practices and routines of work and home, and also the practices of worship and prayer that I keep both individually and in our communal faith life together. It is easy to get out of practice, and when I do I wonder - will I even remember how?
The good news is this: our liturgical calendar is aware that we need times and seasons that encourage us to get back into the practices of our faith. One of these times is coming up, the season of Lent. Lent, the six weeks that lead up to the season of Easter, is a time of return to the practices of Christianity, for us. Lent is an opportunity to stretch ourselves, shake off whatever lethargies may be plaguing our spiritual lives, and to get back into the practices of our faith, or to try on new ones. We are gifted these 40 days to remember how to pray together, to seek new rhythms of worship and service, and to experiment with personal disciplines that help prepare our hearts and minds for the mystery of Easter - God's greatest gift to us.
I am spending time now in discernment about what my Lenten practice or practices will be. When I have that figured out, I will share it with you. I encourage you to also begin to think, pray, and discern how God is calling you to practice faith this Lent. If you are curious about what Lent is, or would like a refresher, please join Meghan and me for a special Adult Forum on this topic on Sunday March 3rd at 9am. (childcare is provided during this time) And keep an eye out for more resources and opportunities to get back into the practice(s) of our faith together this Lent.
I am so grateful to follow this way of Jesus here in this place, with you.
with care and gratitude,