02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Vicar: I wonder
From the Vicar: I wonder
# News

From the Vicar: I wonder
Dear Ones of St. Columba's,
Last night about 20 of us gathered for soup, bread, worship, and learning together. During the season of Lent our Wednesday Night Worship features a Godly Play story in place of a homily. So often our children are the only ones who benefit from the open-hearted wisdom of Godly Play, and this Lent we wanted to give more of our adult members a chance to interact with the stories of our faith in this wise and playful manner.
Most Godly Play stories end with a series of questions that begin with "I wonder..." The questions are meant to provoke more questions, to open up the story even more, and to expand the minds and hearts of those who are in the circle. When I taught Godly Play regularly to children, I was constantly impressed with the capacity to wonder that most children possess. When I have the chance to experience Godly Play with adults I notice that most of us have lost some of that capacity. When telling a Godly Play story to adult humans those in the circle do sit still better, and do a better job (sometimes) of taking turns with the materials, but hands down the kids know things about wonder and wondering that most adults do not.
One of the joys of including Godly Play in our Wednesday Night Worship this Lent is the chance for children and adults to sit in the circle together. The children might sit still a little better, with adults there to be an example. Likewise, I can already see how those of us who are grown-up remember how to wonder, when our children lead the way.
This Lent, it's okay to wonder about God, yourself, and how we all fit in to the story of Jesus as we walk with him toward the cross. We can ask ourselves, and each other, wondering questions like the questions we learn in Godly Play.
I wonder what part of Lent you like the best?
I wonder what part of Lent is especially for you?
I wonder if we could leave something out of Lent, and still have all the Lent we need?
I wonder which part of Lent is the most important?
We don't have to answer these questions definitively to encounter them with wonder, and to expand our hearts and minds in ways that make room for God.
with care and gratitude,