Holy Week at St. C's

Holy Week at St. C's

Holy Week at St. C's

# News

Holy Week at St. C's

Join us for Holy Week: a time of deep listening to God, in community, as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus. 

April 14: Palm Sunday, spoken at 8am, music and full procession at 10am

April 18: Maundy Thursday, simple soup supper at 6pm and service at 7pm

April 19: Good Friday with veneration of the cross, 7pm

April 20: The Great Vigil of Easter, 7pm

April 21: Easter Sunday, spoken at 8am, music and children's programming at 10am, egg hunt following the 10am service. 

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912       admin@stcolumbakent.org
