02/07/2024 0 Comments
From The Vicar: The Need to Re-Create
From The Vicar: The Need to Re-Create
# News

From The Vicar: The Need to Re-Create
Dear Ones of St. Columba,
It is my practice to get up early on Sunday mornings, around 5am or a little before, so I can spend a couple quiet hours at church before all the hustle and joy of Sunday begins. I like to get my head in the game, go over my sermon, and sometimes just sit in our worship space and pray. This is the only day of the week when I get up before I absolutely must, the only day when I get up before the demands of work, motherhood and household require me to arise.
I noticed, a couple of Sundays ago, that the summer morning light was fading. In the peak of summer, 5am is well lit, with the sun rising just after 5am on the summer solstice. And, about this time of year, that early light begins to disappear. I always breathe a little sad sigh the first couple weeks, knowing that soon I will be getting up and driving in to church in the dark.
One of the goals of summer, for many of us, is rest and recreation. This is so important, especially in the midst of times like these, times when the world is dangerous and troubled. We need seasons, days, moments to rest from labor and worry, and to be re-created. This is one reason why God gave us a day of rest. I think it's one reason why I get up early on Sundays to enjoy the quietness of our sanctuary. (I also take a regular day off, and vacation time of course)
This fall we are going to explore the practices of Christianity together, seven of them that make up the Way of Love - a way of living and praying and being that forms us as Christian people, for a world that needs our energy, love, action and hope. I am so excited about what is ahead in this work, and to share more about it with you in coming weeks. There will be many ways to participate in learning this way, and the practices of Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest. We will explore how to do these practices together, and what it might look like for each of us to craft a spiritual life that includes them all.
But for now, I hope you take these last weeks of summer to practice the last one. Rest. In whatever way is best for you, and to come and enjoy rest and recreation together, whether it is at our parish picnic this Sunday or coffee hour any Sunday. We need moments to stop and simply enjoy life, let busy brains have a break, and to discover how God wants to find us in recreation (or re-creation), before we turn to routine, and news, and work once again.
I wish you rest and renewal, dear ones. I am so glad to walk this way with you.
with care and gratitude,