02/07/2024 0 Comments
Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Richard Burgess
Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Richard Burgess
# News

Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Richard Burgess
This fall as we begin to plan for the next budget year, we will take time as community to share the stories of being blessed by St. Columba's, and choosing to practice blessing through participation in the life of this community, including participating financially.
This week Richard Burgess shares how participation in St. Columba's Food Bank is a blessing to him and spurred him forward into taking a risk in hopes of becoming a blessing in the world.
St. Columba's Food Bank is very important as it reaches out to the community, meeting the needs of each individual and family We see relief, gratitude and hope in the faces of our clients. What a blessing! In early summer we received a termination of assistance letter from our food source, King County Emergency Food Service (KCEFS). The announcement made my heart ache. How would we keep this ministry going?
One way was for us as members to step up and bring in needed food. The church newsletter suggested another way to take action: to consider writing my local city council to restore and increase funding for emergency food services. A very simple task, but what if they asked me to get more involved? Time is a valuable commodity.
An unexpected opportunity presented itself at our neighborhood's National Night Out picnic, when Kent's Mayor, City Council President, and the Chief of Police dropped by for a Meet and Greet. I gathered "ten seconds of courage" and approached the Council President regarding our situation.
St. C's encourages me to show up where God wants me....risky business. Also, one way to practice blessing.
Richard Burgess.