02/07/2024 0 Comments
Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Chad Rawlinson
Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Chad Rawlinson
# News

Stewardship at St. C's: Be a Blessing - Chad Rawlinson
This fall as we begin to plan for the next budget year, we will take time as community to share the stories of being blessed by St. Columba's, and choosing to practice blessing through participation in the life of this community, including participating financially.
St. Columba's has been a real blessing for us. We joined about three years ago and were warmly received. We are proud to be part of such a loving, close knit community. I really love that we all come to God's table no matter where we come from. We are such a fun, interesting, diverse group of people, yet singular of purpose.
I have enjoyed working with the homeless reach out during this month of October. Some of the men have so little, yet are so kind and humble. I think that one of my favorite parts is getting to know not only the men that come for a hot meal, but also the other hosts and meal servers; what a wealth of talents and such kind, interesting people. Serving others is one of the best ways I have found to become a better person, and it never fails to amaze me, the blessings that come my way when I'm helping others. With the weather turning cooler and the rain lashing the windows outside as I’m writing this, I am so grateful that there is a place where these men can go, have a hot meal, rest and relax.
It’s been so fun to partake of all of the fun activities during the year. Our family has loved all of the children & families that come every week and seeing all of their smiling happy faces as they gather on the carpet. My son, Erik was especially enamored when Mother Alissa sat down with him and the rest of the children during Godly Play a few weeks ago. With such direct attention and care, it really makes a difference in kid’s lives and we have been so blessed because of it.
When the need arises everyone comes together to help out and lend a hand. Recently, I had the opportunity to assist with the fall clean up. It was so nice to see everyone working hard to have a lovely space for us all to meet it. I jumped up on the roof and cleaned out some leaves, gutters and cleaned some windows. So it is with spiritual lives; when my soul is a little bit cluttered, perhaps in disarray, coming down to St. Columba’s sets my mind and heart at ease. Listening to the beautiful singing, the sermons, laughing and loving during coffee hour is just what I need to set my mind at ease, put things in perspective, and remember how precious life is and that people and relationships are what matter most.
Chad (Val, & Erik)