From the Associate Vicar: All Saints and All Souls

From the Associate Vicar: All Saints and All Souls

From the Associate Vicar: All Saints and All Souls

# News

From the Associate Vicar: All Saints and All Souls

Dear One’s of St. C’s,

All Saints and All Souls has always been a very significant feast day for me. Each time someone close to me loses someone important to them the significance deepens. Death can feel so helpless, so permanent, and so lonely. There are often never the right words and I always wrestle with what it means to be a good friend days, months, and years later. The challenge of grief is it is not linear nor is it the same for each person. I am always so thankful when this day comes every year and I can honor all those in my life who have died with my community. We come together to pronounce, “yes, this life mattered.”  “This life changed me or changed my dearest friend. Thank you for loving and being.”

So this Sunday as we come together to remember those who have died, those who lived and loved, I always ask myself, what did this person who died show the world about the love of God?  People are complex and that doesn't go away after they die, but I believe every person has something to teach us about what it means to love each other. 

So please, remember to bring your picture or item so that together we can remember and honor those who have gone before us.   And as our Eucharistic prayer says, "lets join with the heavenly chorus, with prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and with all those in every generation who have looked to you in hope, and bring us to that heavenly country where, with all your saints, we may enter the everlasting heritage of your sons and daughters." Amen.

With gratitude for all those who have gone before us, 


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