Advent Challenge Week 2 - 2019

Advent Challenge Week 2 - 2019

Advent Challenge Week 2 - 2019

# News

Advent Challenge Week 2 - 2019

Advent Challenge: The Way of Love

Do you like a challenge?  Are you ready to grow spiritually? Advent, like Lent, is a season of preparation.  In Advent we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, in our lives each day, at Christmas over 2000 years ago, and at the end of time.  This year at St. Columba’s we are each encouraged to adopt some spiritual practices collectively called The Way of Love. 

The Advent Challenge for 2019 involves committing to one of the practices in the Way of Love each week.  The first week you will be asked to take 10 minutes each day to answer three short questions about your day and to spend an additional few minutes at the end of the week to review your answers.  The second week you will be asked to read a short portion of scripture each day.  The third week you will be asked to pray a different prayer from the Book of Common Prayer each day.  The final week emphasizes worship and you’ll be asked to commit to attending Sunday worship every week in Advent (at either 8:00 or 10:00), one Wednesday evening service at 6:30 on Dec. 4, 11, or 18, and either the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services. 

I know that this is a busy time of year and this “challenge” is designed to be respectful of your time – requiring less than half an hour each day.  So, what do you say, do you accept the challenge?

Advent 2: Dec. 8 to Dec. 14

Learn: Read a short Bible reading each day.  These readings are selected from the readings assigned on the Sundays of Advent. At the end of the week: Think back to the readings, which one did you find yourself resisting? Why?

Sunday Dec 8 Isaiah 11:1-10

Monday Dec 9 Matthew 24:36-44

Tuesday Dec 10 Isaiah 7:10-16

Wednesday Dec 11 Matthew 3:1-12

Thursday Dec 12 Isaiah 35:1-10

Friday Dec 13 Canticle 15 Page 91, BCP

The Song of Mary Magnificat: Luke 1:46-55

Saturday Dec 14 Matthew 11:2-11


Family Plug-In: As a family this week, take time each day to light your advent wreath, this week you’ll light two purple candles. Many families do this practice over dinner or desert.

Month-Long Challenges:

Worship: Commit to attending Sunday Worship each week in Advent. Attend one Wednesday evening worship during Advent. Participate in the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day worship.

Advent Word: Advent Word is nationwide social media challenge, where you’re invited to post a daily photo that reminds you of the Advent Word for the day. This challenge is on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, so be sure to follow them. Go to to learn more.

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
