From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Grace

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Grace

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Grace

# News

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Grace

Dear One's of St. C's,

I am finding this Ordinary time to be quite ordinary.  I am in a bit of limbo as I wait for my increase of hours to start here at St. Columba’s in March, but my kids are in part-time daycare already. I have found I have more time on my hands than I have had in years.  This has allowed me to live deeply into the ordinariness of life. I have found I actually have time to notice the overflowing pantry with expired food in it and all the toys under the couch. 

During this Ordinary time I feel caught between resting in the ordinariness of it all and feeling restless in seeing another dish to clean or another pair of pants to fold. There always seems to be one more thing that could be done.  

I know that we have these long stretches of Ordinary Time in the church season to remember that while much of life is mundane tasks, God is present whispering his words of grace and love.  When we are overwhelmed, when we are restless, when we are frustrated that we cannot do more, when we are living into the ordinariness of our lives God is there to tell us a new story about who we are.  I am learning about grace during this season.  My house is cleaner than it has ever been, but now I understand the time it takes for that to happen and normally, I just don't have that time.  So I look back on the last couple of years and offer myself so much grace.  The other amazing thing about this time is that I am always finding more and more that could be done.  I have had to stop myself multiple times a day and whisper, grace for all that cannot be done.  So grace be upon you as you struggle or thrive in your daily mundane tasks. 


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