02/07/2024 0 Comments
Easter at St. Columba's for Children, Youth, & Families
Easter at St. Columba's for Children, Youth, & Families
# Children, Youth, & Family Events Web

Easter at St. Columba's for Children, Youth, & Families
Hello Children, Youth, and Families!
This year at St. Columba's, Easter is going to look a little different. In previous years, we've done an egg hunt, but in light of the Covid-19 Virus, as well as a general desire to shift from the commercial interpretations of Easter, towards a more spiritual one, we will not be hosting an egg hunt this year.
Instead, we invite families to join us at St. Columba's for our 10am Service, bringing flowers, either fresh, or crafted, to flower the cross, an example of which is included in the photograph for this post. Children 2-10 will also have Godly Play on Easter morning, with Childcare for infants and toddlers in the family room, and older youth serving or participating in the Service.
Children 2-7 will be in Godly Play, doing the Faces of Easter. The Faces of Easter are a 7-part Lesson that the children have been doing all Lent-long, as we progress towards the mystery that is Easter. For many of our young children, this year will be the first time they hear a wholistic story of Christ, from Christ's birth in Week 1 of Lent, to Baptism, the Last Supper, Christ's Death and Resurrection. This stories focus on the Faces is incredibly age-appropriate for our younger classroom, emphasizing the emotional journey of Christ's life and the knowledge Christ had even from birth that he was destined for death and resurrection.
Children 8-10 will meet in the Older Godly Play Classroom to experience the Mystery of Easter, which summarizes the journey our children just went through in Lent, and points out the curious nature of Christ's death and resurrection as simultaneously devastating and hopeful, serious and joyful.
Youth ages 11-18 will be invited to serve on the Altar, help as greeters, and join the Choir. Please speak to Elaine right away if you have a specific way you'd like to serve Easter Morning.
All persons 0-18 can expect to receive a goody bag after church on Easter Sunday as they leave.
St. Columba's wishes health and happiness to all as we journey together through this last month of Lent.