02/07/2024 0 Comments
Are you Low-Risk for COVID-19? Our Food Bank needs help.
Are you Low-Risk for COVID-19? Our Food Bank needs help.
# News

Are you Low-Risk for COVID-19? Our Food Bank needs help.
St. Columba's is able to provide emergency food to vulnerable neighbors twice each week on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10am - noon. Because of these hours, most of our food bank volunteers are in the high risk age range of 60+, as many of them are retired. We are currently assessing if we have the volunteers to keep the food distrubution open.
If you are someone who is not high risk - under 60 and with no underlying health concerns - who may be working from home or not working during this outbreak and are available to volunteer from 10am to noon on either Wednesdays or Fridays, please email Alissa (vicar@stcolumbakent.org) or click here to fill out our food bank emergency volunteer form. The need for food assistance will, if anything, increase during this time and we are looking for ways to continue to provide help without endangering members of our community who are high risk during this time.
Volunteers will follow all recommended health protocols - keeping distance, frequent handwashing, and use of hand sanitizer. The food bank is not crowded, there are usually not more than one or two clients at a time, although that may change as the crisis worsens.
Again, if you are feeling called to this work, email Alissa or click here to fill out a volunteer form.