02/07/2024 0 Comments
St. C's First Quarter Financial Update
St. C's First Quarter Financial Update
# News

St. C's First Quarter Financial Update
Everything changed in our world this March, in the 3rd month of the first quarter of our year, financially. It is hard to say just yet how St. C's finances will be affected going forward. However, here is what we do know:
St. C's needs about 16K in income per month to cover our most basic expenses. This includes salaries and baseline utilities as well as keeping our weekly cleaning service, which is necessary as long as we are running our Food Bank. So far, we are meeting this through pledges and our cell tower income. Our anticipated pledge income averages about 17K a month - however this income does not always come in monthly and we are aware that for many of us, financial situations may have changed.
We are cutting costs wherever we can. Office supply costs will plummet, as we are no longer printing service bulletins in any large amount. We have shut off the heat, and our water usage now that the shelter has moved to hotel housing should also decrease dramatically.
St. C's is participating in the PPP loan application, as part of the Diocese of Olympia. Because St. C's is not legally separate from the Diocese of Olympia, so our PPP loan application is part of the bigger application put in by the Diocese. We did not receive funds in the first round, but are in line for the second round of funding. This is a loan that would cover payroll expenses for two months, and if we keep all of our employees on payroll for those two months the funds would convert to a grant.
We would love to hear from you. If you are someone who gives regularly to St. C's, or want to be, we would love to hear from you. Click here to fill out a Financial Update during Covid form to let us know how you are doing, and what effect if any this crisis is having on your giving. This form will help us plan for the future of our community as we navigate the times ahead together.
Click here for a simple financial report on our first quarter.