02/07/2024 0 Comments
Sermon for the Second Sunday After Christmas Day: Tween
Sermon for the Second Sunday After Christmas Day: Tween
Sermon for the Second Sunday After Christmas Day: Tween
# Sermon
Published on Sunday, January 2, 2022 12:43 PM

Sermon for the Second Sunday After Christmas Day: Tween
The Rev. Alissa Newton
Text: Luke 2: 41-52
"This morning we’re invited to spend time with the image of God as a 12 year old, getting up to the usual sorts of things that 12 year olds get up to. This morning Jesus is experimenting with making his own choices, frustrating his parents, and doing what he wants to do without really thinking about the consequences for others. This not the way I usually think about God. It is a story that anyone who has spent time with a 12 year old can relate to."