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The 7th Sunday After the Epiphany: Love Your Frenemy
The 7th Sunday After the Epiphany: Love Your Frenemy
The 7th Sunday After the Epiphany: Love Your Frenemy
# Sermon
Published on Sunday, February 20, 2022 1:28 PM

© Meghan Mullarkey
The 7th Sunday After the Epiphany: Love Your Frenemy
The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey
Text: Luke 6:27-38
"What if in reality all people in our lives are really our frenemies? Including ourselves. Maybe we are all struggling to love and all people are a mixture both friend and enemy. Or, maybe better yet, it is actually not a choice between who is your friend and who is your enemy. Maybe we blow up the binary. Maybe frenemy as a term actually makes no sense at all - just like the idea of loving your enemy.
I think our work might actually be integration - befriending parts of ourselves that we don’t like so we can love ourselves which will allow us to love the world and all the people in it. "