02/07/2024 0 Comments
Last Sunday After the Epiphany: Shielding Glory
Last Sunday After the Epiphany: Shielding Glory
# Sermon

Last Sunday After the Epiphany: Shielding Glory
The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey
Text: Exodus 34:29-35, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, & Luke 9:28-36
"It is our job together as Christians to do this work in the world, outside of these church walls and within, to find out why God loves the person sitting next to you so much. And of course, we all struggle, what do you think makes this so hard to do?
Well for starters, we certainly, could not justify war or poverty if we saw all people’s glory. Knowing the light and goodness that lives within us all actually makes life more painful, doesn’t it? I believe this is why we shield ourselves from each other’s glory, because it is painful and scary, especially if that same person, with all that glory, has hurt us in some way or another. " Listen to hear more.