02/07/2024 0 Comments
Come and sing on Easter Sunday
Come and sing on Easter Sunday
# News

Come and sing on Easter Sunday
Will you join us to sing in a choir for Easter Sunday, April *17* [corrected]?
With the COVID rates going down, it's time to start choral singing again at St. Columba's.
No long term commitment -just sign up for this one Sunday. If you like to sing - and can carry a tune! - we'd love to have you join us. No music-reading skills required. (The music will be easy to learn in one rehearsal.)
Rehearsal will be the Wednesday night before - Holy Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. We will wear masks at rehearsal and on that Sunday to sing. No choir robes required; this is an ad-hoc group - you can sit with your friends and family and come up around the piano to sing when it's time.
We're hoping for critical mass so we can make a go of it, so we hope you'll give it a try. Email Martin at music@stcolumbakent.org and he will email (or text) you with more information.